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Photo by Sophia Burke, 2020.

Hello 👋  


I'm a researcher, writer, community organizer, and PhD student interested in archive theory, media archaeology, audio-visual preservation, and the concept of the living archive in promoting elements of care, community, and agency in the archival sphere.


With a deep interest in community building and collaborative programming, I have managed multiple arts projects while working in various institutions and presented at conferences across Canada and internationally.


Currently, my research traces the history and development of early women’s film festivals in the 1970s through a lens of feminist epistemology, archival research, and media activism. By completing field placements at Vtape, Video Cabaret, Cinémathèque Québécoise, Niagara Artists Centre, and TIFF's Film Reference Library, I have been identifying processes, trends, protocols, strategies, and issues related to media preservation, while considering alternative archival projects and digital community network.


Would love to hear from you. 

Email me 💌

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