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  • Writer's pictureCleo Sallis

Panel: Archiving the Ephemeral: Transitioning Practices

I was pleased to participate in the panel Archiving the Ephemeral: Transitioning Practices organized by the Toronto Film & Media Seminar in December 2021.

Locating Lost Memories: Digitization and Media Preservation Strategies

Drawing from an interest in archival theory and media archaeology, I explore the preservation of obsolete technologies and vulnerable art forms. My research and case studies have revealed important concerns raised by artists, archivists, and institutions as the future of media artworks remains at risk in archival repositories.

During a recent research residency at Vtape I discovered an interview of Agnes Varda at her arrival at the Women & Film Festival in Toronto in 1973. This open-reel videotape, which had been sitting in a box for decades, was thoroughly cleaned, digitized, and transformed into a digital video file, showing the significance of the realm of media preservation in sustaining past and future memories. In this presentation, I reflect on dynamic approaches by artists & institutions in providing a longevity for the constantly changing nature of media art forms.

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